Created in His Image

May 23, 2009 at 8:50 am (The Easy Chair)

Growing up redhead, I got picked on a bit, but I had it no worse than anyone else. We all have our crosses to bear. I felt a lot better when I heard that Al Roker’s formative years were spent dodging Fat Albert references. I got off easy, except for those goddamn Chuck Wagon commercials.

My favorite cereal was Count Chocula. Of course, my little sister’s was Frankenberry, and she tried her best to get that nickname to stick. Mom didn’t allow cussing, which is where the nickname “Beastard” came from. (In case you were wondering. I called her “Botch.”) Mom hated it, but gave us points for creativity.

FBs 2

I just finished reading Tom Davis’ book, 39 Years of Short-Term Memory Loss. Great stories about SNL, and a nice walk back in time to my teen years. My favorite part? When Al Franken complained that General Mills had stolen his likeness:

“Frankenberry has my eyes, and my jaw. The top of his head? That’s my ass!”

I got off easy…

Thanks to for the images.

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